(updated 5 June 2003)


Bruce Desmond Craven, born 7/5/1931.


Doctor of Science (1973) University of Melboume (Collected mathematical papers)
Master of Science (Honours) (1953) University of Melbourne (Nonlinear elements in electronic simulation)
BAHonours(1959) University of Melbourne
BSc(1951) University of Melbourne


1954 Research Division, General Electric Company, London.
1955-1962 Senior Research Physicist, Research Division, Australian Paper Manufacturers,
1962-1968 Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Melbourne.
1968 to 1996 Reader, Department of Mathematics. University Of Melbourne.
1997 to present Principal Fellow (honorary), Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics,
University of Melbourne


Research Main area of research is mathematical programming and optimisation, including
optimal control, duality theory, generalised convexity, fractional programming,
nonsmooth optimisation, multicriteria optimisation algorithms, operations
research models, optimal control in economic growth and finance models.
Contributions to analysis (both classical and functional) and to probability
(Markov processes).
Funding $20,000 from Australian Research Council small grants (1989-1993).
Teaching Courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in Operations Research and
mathematics. Supervision of honours, MSc, and PhD students


Courses taught Optimization Theory (final honors level) . Undergraduate courses in
Functional analysis, Operations Research, Mathematical programming and
optimisation, Time series analysis, Topology of surfaces, Measure and
integration, Advanced calculus, and Linear algebra.

Teaching Initiatives Set up and developed a third-year program in Operations IResearch,
involving preparation of notes, teaching material and computer programs,
development and maintenance of extensive program of group projects.

Supervision: Theses supervised include the foillowing:
Probability measures on topological spaces (D. B. Pollard, M.Sc., 1973)
Optimization in abstract spaces (L.Trudzik, PhD, 1982)
Non-differentiable programming (B. M. Glover, M.Sc., 1982)
Nondifferentiable programming and duality with modified convexity
(V. Jeyakumar, PhD, 1986)
Algorithms for zero-one linear programming (D. Sier, M.Sc. 1991).
Topics in multiobjective optimisation (S. Bolintineanu, PhD, 1992).
Optimality conditions in nonsmooth optimisation (B.M. Glover, PhD, 1993).
The development and analysis of four multiple-objective linear programming
algorithms (R. Keam, M.Sc., 1994
Multicriteria optimisation (J. C. San Pedro), PhD, 1997) .
Functions of generalised variation and oscillation (C. A. Wilson, PhD, 1998)
Optimal control with a cost of changing control (Chen PING, M.Sc., 2002)

Research Optimization theory, including nonsmooth and multicriteria optimization,
generalized convexity, optimalcontrol. Collaboration on optimization with
mathematicians in Vietnam (Mathematics Institute, Hanoi), China (Institute
of Systems Science), India, Italy (University of Pisa),and France.
Substantial visits to universities in Sheffield, Poitiers and Seattle


Member of Australian Mathematical Society, Australian Statistical Society, Australian
Society of Operations Research, London Mathematical Society, Royal Statistical Society,
Mathematical Programming Society, American Mathematical Society, Operations Research Society
of America. Associate Editor Journal of ANZIAM Jourhnal (formerlyAustralian Mathematical
Society Series B, Applied Mathematics), Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, and
(formerly) Opsearch (the journal of the Indian Operational Research Society, Delhi).
Referee for numerous world standard journals.



B.D. Craven, Mathematical Programming and Control Theory, Chapman and Hall, London, 1978.
B.D. Craven, Functions of Several Variables, Chapman and Hall, London, 1981.
B.D. Craven, Lebesgue Measure and Integral, Pitman, Boston, 1982.
B.D. Craven, Fractional Programming, Heldermann Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
B.D. Craven, Control and Optimization, Chapman and Hall, London, 1995.


List of Research Papers

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